Power BI / Power Pivot DAX Challenge

Compute number of active staff sliced by various parameters

Supposing you get the following HR list showing employees and when they joined a certain company. The “Date Terminated” column shows when an employee vacated the company, where the blank rows imply they’re still working for the company.

The Challenge

A HR professional would wish to create summaries such as Active Staff Count in a given year (like the one shown below), a split of staff that are active and terminated by department in a given year, and so forth.

What DAX measures would you use?

You can attempt using Excel Power Pivot or/and Power BI Desktop

Post your comments below


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  1. Owen Auger May 29, 2019 at 4:32 pm - Reply

    I would first create a Date table with an active relationship with data[Date of Hire] and an inactive relationship with data[Date Terminated].

    Then the measures could look like below:
    (sample pbix here https://ozerconsulting-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/owenauger_ozerconsulting_onmicrosoft_com/EQ3gvilLbcNKiUoN3-jNKN8BuT8Ud7kOcN-Yf6DNpD6dZA?e=gC4mpT )

    Hired =
    COUNTROWS ( data )

    Fired =
    COUNTROWS ( data ),
    USERELATIONSHIP ( data[Date Terminated], ‘Date'[Date] ),
    NOT ISBLANK ( data[Date Terminated] )

    Active Staff =
    — Returns count of staff who were active as at the last date selected
    VAR MaxDate =
    MAX ( ‘Date'[Date] )
    COUNTROWS ( data ),
    ALL ( ‘Date’ ),
    data[DateOfHire] <= MaxDate, OR ( ISBLANK ( data[Date Terminated] ), data[Date Terminated] > MaxDate )

    There are some different ways to write the last measure (an ‘events in progress’ type measure) but I have found the above code to perform reasonably well in models I have worked with.

  2. William Kiarie June 3, 2019 at 11:00 am - Reply

    Thank you Owen for this elegant solution and providing the attached file. That “Active Staff” measure gave me some headache. I had the Fired & Hired working but this one I thought I would initially need to have a measure for “Hired Running Total” and “Fired Running Total” and the subtract.
    Am applying this

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